A New Jersey, Full-Service Law Firm


New Jersey Court Rejects “Equitable Adoption” Argument in Inheritance Case

inheritance lawyer New JerseyOn November 7, 2018, the Appellate Division of New Jersey’s Superior Court ruled in favor of a descendant’s only child and against the descendant’s siblings in an inheritance matter. The descendant’s siblings sought to disinherit the child using an “equitable adoption theory.” The court’s decision affirmed the primacy of statutory law over judicial fiat in property succession law. The matter also brought to light the importance of making a Last Will and Testament in order to avoid distribution of assets to undesired beneficiaries. Continue reading “New Jersey Court Rejects “Equitable Adoption” Argument in Inheritance Case”

Even Single People Need an Estate Plan

estate planning lawyer in Wayne, New JerseyA person that dies without a Last Will and Testament is known to have died intestate. Dying intestate or without a Will can result in unintended consequences as well as chaos because the decedent’s property and possessions will then be distributed to their heirs in accordance with the laws of the state. When this happens, a decedent’s intended wishes for the distribution of their assets and possessions will not always be carried out. Continue reading “Even Single People Need an Estate Plan”

Create an Estate Plan to Ensure Your Property Is Distributed as You Wish

Wayne New Jersey estate planning lawyerOftentimes, when a family member or loved one dies without a Last Will and Testament, it results in unintended consequences as well as excessive expense. When a person dies intestate or without a Will, his or her property and possessions will be distributed to their heirs in accordance with the law of the state. When this happens, a decedent’s intended wishes for the distribution of their assets and possessions will not likely be carried out. To ensure that person’s wishes are carried out upon their death a comprehensive estate plan must be created. Continue reading “Create an Estate Plan to Ensure Your Property Is Distributed as You Wish”

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