A New Jersey, Full-Service Law Firm


Equitable Distribution is Not Equal Distribution

During a divorce, one of the most essential steps is the equitable distribution of marital property. This means that all the money and property acquired by the couple during their marriage will be divided between the two of them. However, dividing up the property isn’t as simple as adding up the value of all the couple’s assets and dividing them in half, because equitable distribution is not the same thing as equal distribution. Continue reading “Equitable Distribution is Not Equal Distribution”

Five Tips for Going Through a Divorce

divorce lawyer New JerseyDivorce proceedings are stressful and emotionally taxing. If you are in the middle of a contentious divorce, here are five tips to help you through the process:


Stay Positive

As like in any negative situation, it is important to attempt to stay positive. It is important to not feed into the negativity that surrounds you. Instead, try to surround yourself with supportive people, like family and close friends. These individuals will be able to help you through the process. Continue reading “Five Tips for Going Through a Divorce”

New Jersey Alimony Reform

In September 2014, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed the Alimony Reform Act into law, which clarified areas of alimony and extended rights to payers. Although the act mainly applies to future divorces, those who are divorced and have a legitimate reason, such as loss of income, illness, or retirement, may be able to modify their alimony under the new law. Additionally, the term “permanent alimony” has been replaced with “open durational alimony.”

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How Can Divorce Affect Your Credit Score?

Going through a divorce can be a stressful and challenging time. One impact of divorce that is often overlooked is the impact it can have on your credit score. It is common for individuals going through a divorce to focus on figuring out the details of living their lives separately, but figuring out your now individual finances can be difficult.
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Court Rules Parent Must Pay Additional Child Support for a Gifted Child

The Ocean City Superior Court has held that a parent in a divorce proceeding may be required to pay additional child support if there is a clear showing that the child is gifted or talented. Lawrence Jones, the Superior Court Judge assigned to the case, recognized that the state’s current child support guidelines give no indication of how to deal with the additional costs associated with the needs of a gifted or talented child.

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Medicaid Divorce and Asset Protection

As more elderly couples face the need for significant medical care, they are also looking to protect their assets in the event one of them becomes incapacitated and requires nursing home care. This has spawned a new term: “Medicaid divorce.”

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Will a “Divorce Mortgage” Become a Reality in the U.S.?

With more senior couples divorcing, those who wish to keep the house may have the answer to their prayers provided it makes its way this side of the Atlantic: the “divorce mortgage.”

The concept is catching on in the U.K., according to an article in the British paper The Telegraph. As in the U.S., many senior couples in the U.K. are untying the knot, with 28% of them selling their home after the split, according to Nationwide. Another 13% have moved into a smaller house and 8% are now renting an apartment.

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Social Media and Texts as Evidence

Typically, a victim in a Domestic Violence matter wants to introduce threatening texts or facebook posts. They bring no documentary evidence with them, only it is on the person’s cell phone. In New Jersey, the permanent restraining order date is set for 10 days after the entry of the temporary restraining order.   What is a Judge supposed to do.   Have the victim read the material on the cell phone.

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College Education Expenses

When divorced parties disagree as to contribution for college education expenses, one party will make application to the Court to enforce the settlement agreements. Court applications for contribution to college education expenses have recently changed.   a request has been made for college or post-secondary school contribution, the party must attach all relevant information pertaining to that request.

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