A New Jersey, Full-Service Law Firm

Veterans Guardianships

New Jersey Guardianship Attorneys

A guardianship may be established for the benefit of a veteran, under the Rules of Court in New Jersey. Under the Uniform Veterans Guardianship Law, a guardianship action may be commenced for any veteran serving in the armed forces. The action may be commenced in the Superior Court by any person who resides in New Jersey, who wishes to act on the veteran’s behalf. The Complaint for guardianship under the Uniform Veteran’s Guardianship Law must:

  • establish pedigree information about the ward
  • must detail assets in the name of the ward (as well as describe any entitlement of money through a federal agency)
  • state that the veteran has been deemed incapacitated on examination of a federal agency in accordance with the laws regulating that agency

In addition to filing a Complaint, a certificate by the Chief Officer must be filed simultaneously. It must state that the veteran has been rated an incapacitated person by a federal agency on examination in accordance with the laws regulating that agency. Two military medical officers may make the determination that by reason of incapacity, the veteran is not able to manage their property, or certify to other facts that will satisfy the court as to incapacity. A guardian is then appointed for the ward, upon the terms and conditions set forth by the Court.

Hunziker, Champion, Romer & Miller are experienced in helping families and individuals deal with matters concerning guardianships. If you have any questions concerning a Veteran’s Guardianship matter, contact our office at (973) 256-0456 or fill out our contact form for a consultation.

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