A New Jersey, Full-Service Law Firm

Five Tips for Going Through a Divorce

divorce lawyer New JerseyDivorce proceedings are stressful and emotionally taxing. If you are in the middle of a contentious divorce, here are five tips to help you through the process:


Stay Positive

As like in any negative situation, it is important to attempt to stay positive. It is important to not feed into the negativity that surrounds you. Instead, try to surround yourself with supportive people, like family and close friends. These individuals will be able to help you through the process.


Be There for Your Children

While staying positive for your own benefit is of utmost importance, it is also important to stay positive for your children. Oftentimes, children bear the brunt of the force that divorce proceedings often bring. Your children may be too young to understand why their mother and father are separating. It is important to discuss this with them in a calm manner and assure them that they are your top priority. Also, do not let your children see any volatile arguments between you and your former spouse. A hostile environment can be emotionally taxing on your children, so it is best to refrain from engaging in any negative behavior in front of them.


Seek Therapeutic Support if Needed

If the support of family and friends is not enough, it is okay to seek refuge in a licensed therapist. A therapist will be able to help you cope with your negative emotions in a delicate manner. They may also be able to provide essential advice to get you back on your feet and regain your self-confidence.


Do Not Rush

It is important to understand that a divorce is not a sprint; it is a marathon. As in any long-distance race, slow and steady wins. Do not rush into anything to shorten the duration of the proceedings. This may be detrimental, as you may not completely settle the disagreement with your former spouse and may compromise your best interests in doing so.


Carefully Review Any Premarital Documents

If you and your former spouse had originally drafted and signed a prenuptial agreement, the terms of the agreement will generally be dispositive on the issues they cover.

While divorce may not be the most ideal option, it may be the most viable option. If you and your spouse are seeking a divorce, it is important to contact an experienced New Jersey divorce and family law attorney to discuss your options. The attorneys at the Law Offices of Hunziker, Jones, and Sweeney are skilled family law attorneys that help individuals handle all aspects of family law, including divorce proceedings. For more information, contact our New Jersey family law firm at (973) 256-0456.


One thought on “Five Tips for Going Through a Divorce”

  1. My husband and I are planning to get a divorce due to irreconcilable differences, that’s why I’m currently looking for a divorce lawyer. My situation has been tough, that’s why I agree with you that it’ll be best to seek help from a licensed therapist. I guess you’re right; it’ll be a disaster to rush things just so I can shorten the proceedings.

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